Pigs Are Texting!

Animal Farm by George Orwell

I'm sure if Animal Farm were re-written tomorrow, or made into some hammy Hollywood production, this illustration might become reality. Well, movie reality.

If you aren't familiar with this classic story, here is a very succinct summary:

Some farm animals get fed up and overthrow some farm humans.

I don't really think that's a spoiler, but I won't go any further. It's a short book, OK?

I should probably also explain the text. "Pigs are walking," is a great quote from the novel. Applied to society (and not in the farm animal context of the book), it is used to describe people or things that are trying to be something that they are not. So, a "hipper" version would involve some hip activity, such as hula-hooping or candy-striping. Or texting.


Denise Gallagher said...

Love the outfit!
Cowboy boots! And a big ol' belt buckle! Seriously lol!

I love this, B!!


tomeaux said...

this looks awesome, we have a bunch of those walking around manhattan.

seandroog said...

I like it, but it's missing something...

Ad some explosions, some vampires, some walking robots, some slo-mo, a small puppy-like sidekick, a minority comic relief, some badass cars with the car logo really big, Jason Statham and then we'll throw in the line "I'll see you in hell!" somewhere. Now we really got a movie going! What is this movie about again? Doesn't matter, lets just say it's based on a true story, loosely of course.

Burt said...

But posters are the ultimate in slo-mo. They are freeze-framed!

"I eat pigs like you for breakfast. AND I'M VERY HUNGRY!"

Sarah Knight said...

clever ; )

donny* said...

... but still subject to apple technology. bahaha. nice one!

Anonymous said...

Great concept!

Laura said...

this is hilarious. skinny jeans = awesome!